Ch-10. Krishna showing his vishwaswaroop

Krishna and Balarama were brothers who loved spending time together. One day, Balarama said to Krishna, “Let’s go to the garden to pick fruits and berries.”

Krishna agreed, and they both went to the garden. Balarama and the other children could easily reach the fruits on the trees because they were taller. But Krishna was still a toddler, so he couldn’t reach the fruits like the others. While the other children happily picked and ate the fruits and berries, Krishna started eating the dust and sand from the ground instead.

The other children saw Krishna eating the dust and sand, and they went to tell Yashoda. “Krishna is eating dust and sand!” they complained.

Yashoda hurried to the garden and found Krishna. She asked him sternly, “Kanha, is it true that you have eaten mud?”

Krishna shook his head and said no.

“Open your mouth,” Yashoda ordered.

Krishna didn’t want to open his mouth, but Yashoda insisted. Finally, Krishna opened his mouth.

Yashoda was shocked. She didn’t see any mud in Krishna’s mouth. Instead, she saw the entire Universe inside his mouth. She saw the sun, stars, skies, oceans, hills, rivers, and mountains.

Yashoda was amazed and thought, My son is no ordinary child! Krishna smiled at her with a naughty grin.


Ch-11. Lord shiva visiting Gokul

One day, Parvati said to her husband Shiva, “I’ve heard the butter from Gokul is very tasty. Can you bring some for me?”

Shiva agreed and traveled to Gokul. When he got there, he knocked on Yashoda’s door.

“I have come to see your son,” Shiva said.

Yashoda was worried and thought, “My little Krishna might be scared of this serious-looking man.” So she said, “You cannot see him.”

Shiva understood and said calmly, “You will call me yourself to see your son.” Then he went to sit by the Yamuna River.

Back at Yashoda’s house, Krishna suddenly started crying loudly, and no one could calm him down. Hearing the noise, Nanda, Krishna’s father, learned about Shiva who had been turned away. He told Yashoda to find Shiva and bring him back.

Yashoda quickly went to the Yamuna River and found Shiva sitting there. She apologized for not letting him see Krishna earlier and handed her baby to him. As soon as Shiva held Krishna, the baby stopped crying. Shiva felt a deep sense of peace and devotion. He gently touched Krishna’s tiny feet to his head to show his respect.

After this, Shiva prepared to leave. But Yashoda, feeling grateful, said, “You can’t go empty-handed. Please take some butter with you!”

Shiva remembered Parvati’s request and accepted the butter gratefully. He started his journey back home. However, Shiva was so lost in thoughts of baby Krishna that he ended up eating all the butter on the way.

When he arrived back home, Parvati saw the empty container and felt disappointed. She said, “Since you didn’t bring any butter for me, no one will ever eat your offerings again.”

From that day on, Shiva’s offerings, known as Prasad, were never eaten by anyone.

Ch-13. Lord krishna and the fruit woman

There was a woman who used to sell fruits in Mathura. She had heard many stories about a special boy named Krishna. “I wish I could see him just once!” she often thought.

One day, she decided to go to Gokul to sell her fruits, hoping to meet Krishna. As she was passing by his house, Krishna saw her and called out, “What fresh fruits you are carrying! Why don’t you give me some?”

The woman smiled and replied, “I will give you some fruits, but on one condition. You have to sit on my lap and call me ‘mother’.”

Krishna, with his charming smile, agreed. He sat on her lap and sweetly called her “mother.” The woman was so overjoyed by this that she gave all the fruits in her basket to Krishna.

After giving away all her fruits, she noticed something strange. “Why does my basket still feel so heavy?” she wondered. When she looked inside, she was astonished to see that her basket was now filled with jewels and precious stones.

The woman exclaimed, “Oh, what use is this wealth to me now that I have met Krishna?” Feeling overwhelmed with happiness, she flung the jewels and precious stones into the river, not caring about the wealth because meeting Krishna was more valuable to her than anything else.


Ch-16. Krishna playing in the mud Nanda, Krishna’s foster father, hired a few cowherd boys to help keep an eye on Krishna during his playful

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Ch-13. The Entranced Gopi One evening, a young  gopi, went to Nanda’s house to get some fire to light the lamps in her own home.

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Ch-10. Krishna showing his vishwaswaroop Krishna and Balarama were brothers who loved spending time together. One day, Balarama said to Krishna, “Let’s go to the

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Ch-7. Krishna killing demon Trinavarta Kansa, determined to eliminate Krishna, enlisted the help of Trinavarta, a demon with the ability to transform into a deadly

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Ch-4. Janmastami celebration On Janmashtami, the people of Gokul celebrated the birth of Nanda’s son with joyous songs and dances. They decorated their houses with

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