Ch-13. The Entranced Gopi

One evening, a young  gopi, went to Nanda’s house to get some fire to light the lamps in her own home. But her real reason for going to Nanda’s house was to catch a glimpse of little Krishna. As she approached the lamp, she noticed Krishna peacefully sleeping on a cot nearby. When Krishna woke up and smiled at her, the girl was completely captivated by his divine presence. Instead of focusing on her task of lighting the lamp, she found herself mesmerised by Krishna. She even extended her fingers towards the flame, completely absorbed in Krishna’s form. Soon, her mother came searching for her. Worried, she hurried to her daughter and pulled her fingers away from the flame, bringing her back to reality. In her state of complete devotion, the gopi didn’t feel any pain or burning sensation from the flame. She was so lost in Krishna’s presence that nothing else mattered to her.

Ch-14. Krishna moved to vrindavan

Kansa’s cruel actions were making life difficult for the people day by day. Feeling helpless, King Nanda of Gokul decided it was time to take action. He gathered all the elders for a meeting to find a solution.

“We must leave Gokul,” Nanda declared. “It’s the only way to find peace and safety. Let’s move to Vrindavan.”

The elders agreed, seeing the wisdom in Nanda’s words. Vrindavan offered abundant food for their cattle and spacious meadows for grazing.

That very night, the people packed their belongings and set off in bullock carts for Vrindavan. It was Krishna’s first journey, and he sat happily on his mother Yashoda’s lap throughout the ride.

Upon reaching Vrindavan, they worked together to build beautiful houses and cultivate the land for farming. Soon, Vrindavan became just as lovely as Gokul, and everyone rejoiced.

“We will start afresh here,” Yashoda whispered joyfully to Krishna, who smiled back in agreement.

Ch-15. Krishna meeting Radha maa

When Krishna was only five years old, his father Nanda took him along to graze the cattle. Little Krishna, mischievous as ever, decided to surprise his father.With his extraordinary powers, he conjured up a massive thunderstorm, making it rain heavily. Pretending to be frightened, Krishna began crying loudly.

Nanda, worried about both Krishna and the cattle, felt torn. But his concern eased when he saw a beautiful girl approaching.“What’s your name, dear?” Nanda inquired.“I’m Radha,” the girl replied with a warm smile.“Radha, I need to take the cattle home now. Could you watch over my son until I return?” Nanda requested, grateful for her presence. Radha kindly agreed, and Nanda hurried away.

Meanwhile, Krishna, disguised as a youth, started playing his flute, enchanting Radha. “Do you recall our heavenly days?” he asked, revealing glimpses of their past life together.“Yes, I remember,” Radha replied, sensing the divine connection between them.As Nanda’s return neared, Krishna transformed back into a child and resumed crying. Thus, in this extraordinary encounter, Krishna and Radha met for the first time, sharing a moment of timeless love and unity.


Ch-16. Krishna playing in the mud Nanda, Krishna’s foster father, hired a few cowherd boys to help keep an eye on Krishna during his playful

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Ch-13. The Entranced Gopi One evening, a young  gopi, went to Nanda’s house to get some fire to light the lamps in her own home.

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Ch-10. Krishna showing his vishwaswaroop Krishna and Balarama were brothers who loved spending time together. One day, Balarama said to Krishna, “Let’s go to the

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